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Ibiza: what I should have known before going there

Don't expect to speak Italian and not be understood


Somewhat by chance, invited by a friend who lives in Spain on the occasion of his birthday, I went to Ibiza for a weekend for the first time. I had no plans to go anytime soon, and here's what I should have (or would have) known before I left, if I went back.

Rent a vehicle

The island is not tiny and you need a car, moped, or anything with wheels to get around. Unless you want to hang out by the pool all day or get around in a cab. And you can't rely on public transportation. Kind of like Rome but with more climbs and dirt stretches near the beaches. This I did not know, but fortunately the people who accompanied me knew, securing the necessary cars.

Having fun is expensive

"The good news is that admission costs no more than 100 euros. The bad thing is that it doesn't cost much less," the birthday boy wrote us a couple of months ago to invite us to spend an evening at Pacha, one of the island's historic discos.

I had been warned that going out to have fun at the most famous clubs was not as low-cost as in Albania, but (naive) I didn't know that this was the case virtually everywhere, with prices ranging from 50 to 100 euros.

Severely discouraged drinking inside the clubs. You would risk jeopardizing your winter vacation as well.

Avoid the opening of nightclubs

Speaking of discos, once you have paid the necessary entrance fee it may not be very pleasant to spend the evening squashed like sardines and almost unable to dance. It may then be wise not to go on vacation to Ibiza before all the clubs have opened, so that people spread out among the various nights, which are every day. Approximately from the end of May.

Italians are everywhere

They are tourists spending a weekend there, girlfriends celebrating a bachelorette party, electronic music impallados or workers who spend the entire summer in Ibiza. Either way, Italians love the island, live it perpetually and are among the loudest, get ready.

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But what a sea

Ibiza's naturalistic value and beauty leaps immediately to the eye, including sheer red earth cliffs, fragrant Mediterranean scrub and crystal clear water. Going to the sea is mandatory, but be aware, however, that even beaches recommended by locals away from the beaten tourist routes have almost all already been discovered and populated by tourists, even in May.

Don't worry too much, however: there are still plenty of instagrammable places, and a tour of downtown Ivissa is also worthwhile.

Don't come back at the last

It's not easy, I know, but I would recommend not coming back on the last Sunday night flight. You would avoid lines at the few gas stations before returning the car, long waits for shuttles, and travel companions who are tired and irritable or still too exaggerated.


Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios