lunedì, 07 Ottobre 2024
lunedì, 07 Ottobre 2024
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lunedì, 07 Ottobre 2024

Acrimònia IGirl: @sophia_roe

Tempo di lettura: 5 min.

Con 175mila follower è una chef, un’attivista, si batte per il benessere delle persone e per ciò in cui crede

Una chioma folta e piena di ricci, Sophia Roe, però, non è solo questo. La giovane influencer è una bravissima chef e grande sostenitrice del benessere, appassionata di cibo e sentimenti.

La sua sfera privata e quella lavorativa si fondono in un unico obiettivo: vivere una vita quanto più equilibrata e sana possibile.

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This is something I have been so hyped to share, because I probably make this at home at least 3 times a week. I wanted to find a way to introduce you to making Dashi broths as well, as they’re super versatile and really give you the best umami flavor in the world. I just cover kombu dashi broth here, but there are varieties that have dried sardines, bonito flakes, sardines, or awase (which is a combination of all varieties put together) Don’t worry..we will be talking a lot more about Dashi! For Kombu Dashi broth just make sure you never let the broth come to a boil, let it steep for 10-30 minutes on a low simmer. — — But listen up! If you don’t have seaweed to make dashi, IT IS OKAY! You can easily skip that step, and just utilize dried mushroom, ginger, and of course TEA! The only rule with tea variety is that it be something that you REALLY love to drink. Here, I am using a genmaicha tea from @naturopathica, but a hojicha or sencha tea would also taste so scrumptious! — — Also, don’t forget about herbal teas! I love making this recipe with ginger, lemongrass, and even chamomile teas! Dont stress the veggies you add to the soup either, you can easily just add roasted veggies from the night before. The whole idea here is that you’re creating a flavorful broth, and then pouring it over whatever you’ve got! — — Soup doesn’t have to be something you labor over for hours, you can easily make a delicious soup with what you have in your pantry! For the noodles I am using brown rice noodles by @lotusfoods but rice or any other noodle will also work just fine! #teabroth #dashi #kombu #souptime

Un post condiviso da i am sophia (@sophia_roe) in data:

Sophia sente la necessità di essere un punto di riferimento per chi la segue, il suo stile di vita deve essere di incoraggiamento per tutte le persone. Proprio per questo la chef dirige seminari, lezioni e ritiri che illustrano il potere di un forum sicuro e aperto per la narrazione, la comunità, il cibo e la guarigione. Dedica gran parte del suo tempo a sostenere e responsabilizzare le giovani donne attraverso il suo coinvolgimento con due organizzazioni filantropiche vicino al suo cuore: Project Glimmer e Girls Inc.

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We all need a little reset sometimes, however most of us don’t have the time or funds for a full fledge week long destination vacation, I know I sure don’t. In the name of accessibility..thank you blessed “staycation” for coming into save the day! One of my favorite ways to reset while not completely breaking the bank is a proper staycation. I have been using @hoteltonight loyally since 2015, and the magic of this app is that the longer you wait, the more you can save, making your last- minute craving for a staycation a REALITY! – – I always find that even one night away from cooking, writing recipes or curriculum for an event, etc REALLY helps reset my body, mind, and spirit. Pictured above you’ll find that I’ve ordered basically the entire room service menu lol Who says a staycation for there weekend can’t be just as healing as jumping on a plane? and like I honor of accessibility, this is also a really wonderful option for those on a particular budget, but with major staycation needs. – – Do you have a favorite hotel to staycation at in your city? If you’re in NYC, What is your favorite hotel to stay in? Why? I am always on the lookout for new places to have a restful weekend away, but not too far away 🙂 #myhoteltonight #ad

Un post condiviso da i am sophia (@sophia_roe) in data:

Parla apertamente dei traumi del passato e della sofferenza, mentre utilizza il potere della narrazione per aiutare le persone che la circondano, a sapere che non esiste un unico modo per sentirsi bene e che non si è mai soli.

Una donna forte e appassionata che ha deciso di dedicare la sua vita alle sue più grandi passioni. Sophia è la perfetta unione di grinta, femminilità e girl power. Ha reso la cucina un mezzo più profondo, per lei non si tratta solo di creatività e fantasia ma un modo per stare bene dentro e fuori, e questo benessere, Sophia ha deciso di trasmetterlo a chiunque ne sentisse il bisogno.

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power of purple ! – – I’m overjoyed to share another “Eat the Rainbow” episode! This time we are diving into one of my very favorite colors..PURPLE! This color has meanings, and representations ranging from extravagance and creativity to devotion and higher-self. I knew immediately when planning for this purple episode, that my star ingredient would be..the beautiful, but so often misunderstood..EGGPLANT – – There is A TON of information in these videos, as well as not one, not two, but THREE different techniques/recipes! PLEASE do not get hung up or attached to exact portions when it comes to these recipes. These are merely guidelines, and meant to help you make cooking for more intuitive, and less strictly based on the exactness of “following a recipe” – – Please head to the link in bio to feel all the purple eggplant vibes! Most importantly, for those who have sworn off eggplant because “the texture” just isn’t good unless it’s crispy and fried, PLEASE give these recipes a try! I literally created them just for you! Also, stay tuned for the next episode coming soon—**’s one of the hardest colors to find in food naturally!

Un post condiviso da i am sophia (@sophia_roe) in data:

Il profilo instagram di Sophia Roe è decisamente pieno, ma in senso positivo. Ogni post, ogni video e ogni storia mostra perfettamente il suo modo di essere. Il tutto è molto naturale e reso ancora più piacevole dal suo sorriso sempre presente. Sophia non vuole assolutamente mostrarsi perfetta, non c’è nulla di fittizio ogni momento in cui decide di condividere parte della sua vita quotidiana. Questa sua trasparenza crea un legame profondo con i suoi followers, ragione per cui è riuscita ad ottenere una base di fan molto forte e fedele che si appoggia su di lei quotidianamente per consigli e incoraggiamenti.

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Color Mood-RED! – – Back with another “Eat the Rainbow” episode, and this time we are talking all things TOMATO! Ever wondered what an heirloom tomato is exactly? Ever felt completely overwhelmed by the idea of making your own marinara sauce? Want to know why canned tomatoes are THE BEST? Get all the deets, and MUCH MUCH MORE on this episode – – Since there is so much to unpack, and sift through when it comes to the big beautiful world of tomatoes I decided it was best to give multiple basic recipes, peppered with PLENTY of techniques, and suggestions. I talk a lot about cooking intuitively, and some super simple ways to highlight or showcase a single ingredient when cooking. Most importantly though, I hope these video encourage you to get a tad out of your comfort zone, and HAVE FUN in the kitchen – – A whopping kiss and hug to my friends and camera talents @kyle_corea and @andie_tham—I love you both! Thank you for being the best taste testers IN THE WORLD! And of course, the magnificent @violette_fr with which this series wouldn’t exist without. ❤️ Head to the link in my bio to watch the full video, and cook those gorgeous hearts out!

Un post condiviso da i am sophia (@sophia_roe) in data:

Nonostante la sua età è un vero e proprio modello da seguire e un punto di riferimento.

1920 1080 Giulia Lucci
Chi cerca, trova