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Death is trending: a look at 2023 analytics

What were the most searched "goodbyes" on Google in 2023?


The end of 2023 is about to come, and with it comes the time of the analysis. To those emotional, working and fiscal, we add Google, which adds the search statistics of the year now in its final stages. Great events, meanings of words, box office receipts, famous people: in the mare magnum of the SEO, aficionados of Fantamorto and will certainly not have helped to increase the number of research on illustrious deaths during the year.

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In the top 5 of the "farewells" of Google Trends, in fifth place Gianluca Vialli, striker of Sampdoria, Juventus and Chelsea, who died at 58 years of pancreatic cancer. Fans of all colors recognize the value of his sports history, in which friendship and football have merged inextricably: the relationship with Roberto Mancini, in the Blucerchiati first, on the bench of the Azzurri at the European Championships 2020 then, definitely marks one of the most beautiful sports pages ever. The boom in research may also have been influenced by the relationship with Fedez, although brief: linked by the disease, he often recalled how Vialli, although not in person, was close to him in the days before his hospitalization.

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Fourth place for Toto Cutugno, among the best-known artists-records, in Italy and beyond. 15 participations in Sanremo, winner of Eurovision in 1990 (among the few Italians to have made it, along with Gigliola Cinquetti in 1964 and Måneskin in 2021), 28 albums released and over 100 million copies sold. A constant musical presence: there is no New Year’s Eve of Mamma Rai who has not seen him participate, there is no Italian, young and not, that leaves suspended in the air the verse Lasciatemi cantare, con la chitarra in mano. After Volare and Felicità, there is no Italian stereotypical playlist that doesn’t include Toto Cutugno’s hit.

Bronze medal for Matteo Messina Denaro, who died nine months after his arrest. The end of his absence, which lasted more than 30 years, has rekindled the interest of public opinion on the years of the mafia massacre and raised new questions about the general connivance, which has made possible such a long period of freedom, under the eyes of all. Secrets that add to others that will not have answers.

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Unexpected second place for Silvio Berlusconi, the most discussed and controversial politician of the last 30 years: his death, with all the subsequent implications, was, hands down, the event of the year. His name and his economic and political legacy continue to make headlines after six months. And they will continue to do so.

Maurizio Costanzo, king of talk shows, author and journalist, overthrew the Knight: his Show was the longest-running talk show on Italian television, with 42 editions to the credit. Investigating the reasons for this boom in research can lead to different hypotheses: affection for his program, sympathy for what on social media has become a living meme, proximity to the queen of Canale 5, widow of his first gentleman.

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Impossible (fortunately) the points of contact between these 5 characters; interpreting what they represent for Italians and why they wanted to deepen their stories is an exercise that, instead, you can venture. A certain Italian spirit emerges from their stories, we recognize ourselves in aspects that connote, or have connotations, our society: football elevated to faith, self-referential music, television. And again: a certain degree of disturbing fascination for evil and for the mysteries of our country; the histrionism, of which we would gladly do without, of the domestic political class.

Analytics is the picture of the country? Maybe a little blurry, forced, not completely authentic, certainly not irrelevant.



Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios