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Home Tour: Naomi Campbell

The earthly paradise


Welcome back to a new exceptional home tour! This time, in honor of the Gemini Season, we will look inside the home of a diva born under the sign of Gemini: the supermodel Naomi Campbell. The new mom allowed Architectural Digest to spy inside her villa for the Open Door column, providing some curious details ...

We just have to investigate!

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Un post condiviso da Khadija M Farah (@farahkhad)

First of all, the house is located in Malindi, Kenya, a place that Naomi fell in love with in 1999.

My first impression? It is not a house, much less a villa, it may be due to the sensational location or the architecture, it may be the desire for holidays close to the warm season but ... it looks like a luxurious resort!

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It is an open space, built under a makuti roof that satisfies Naomi's desire to feel at home but not a recluse, being able to feel the outside breeze, observe the landscape and listen to the sounds of nature.

The living room, the meeting place of the house, features Kenyan furniture: from the massive central table to the chandelier with a Moroccan allure.

The room, an understatement to call it that, overlooks a large swimming pool of cold water, to regenerate from the hot African sun and a garden adorned with gazebos, tables and sofas that make the environment look like a wedding ceremony location.

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Un post condiviso da Khadija M Farah (@farahkhad)

A constant element in the various rooms is wood, which gives a rather welcoming vibe and is present on the ceiling beams, around the walls, in the furniture and decorations.

Upstairs is the area she defined as "chill" is a large space dedicated to idleness, sometimes creative. Ideal for playing chess and suitable for reading or spending quality time with friends. Here, too, there is no lack of praise for African craftsmanship and art.

Like any self-respecting hotel ... oops, sorry, I meant home, you can't miss the breakfast room, where dozens of white tables peek out, spaced apart as if to comply with Covid-19 regulations for catering. The area is completed by a table for the indoor and one outdoor buffet.

Not far from the latter, the work of the local artist Armando Tanzini, much appreciated by the model, immediately attracts attention.

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Did you think a swimming pool was enough? Well... this house has an additional "pool area", the main one, enriched by a fountain and relaxation areas, where the owner likes to drink her mocktails.

The house has a slightly more isolated area, which in turn includes four rooms with kitchenette and, outside, another swimming pool surrounded by bougainvilleas that grow wild and luxuriant.

The icing on the cake? A spa based on Henri Chenot's techniques, hydrotherapy, muds and everything that can aim at detoxification, relaxation and falling into the arms of Morpheus.

We conclude the tour with the supermodel's personal bedroom, preceded by a living area and enriched with paintings depicting a child with a deep gaze and a lion, Naomi's favorite animal together with the panther.

And, if all the pools in the house aren't enough to cool off and make the place heavenly, you just have to take a few steps to reach the Indian Ocean.

Kenya is a natural gem and Naomi is rightly keen to reiterate it:"People have a wrong perception of Africa, it's a beautiful place, where I completely relax" and adds "Kenya has Safari, greenery, the coast, the dunes, it has all the elements and people don't realize it”.

"The first time I heard of Kenya was thanks to my aunt June, my mother's older sister and then, the second time, it was the legendary Lauren Hutton who told me I would come back from there with a real smile and then I understood exactly what she meant, she was right".

What makes this house extremely unique and authentic is the fact that you immediately breathe the values, traditions and aesthetics of Kenya. It fits perfectly with the territory, it is a tribute to the locality that reflects Naomi's love for Africa.

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Un post condiviso da Khadija M Farah (@farahkhad)