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Habemus psychologist bonus (or almost)

Conceived in 2022 after the pandemic, experienced in 2023, after 2 years the bonus psychologist is still too slow


It was the beginning of 2022 and they were still wearing masks when they heard for the first time about the psychologist bonus. An idea of the Draghi government, to counteract the "psycho-social crisis caused by the SARS-cov-2 epidemic" (D.L. 30 December 2021, n. 228, Art. 1c). An innovative initiative considering that psychological well-being was and still is a taboo in Italy, a slave to the preconception that if you turn to a psychologist you are sick. 10 million euros initially allocated, then raised to 25 at the end of 2022, 395 thousand applications submitted, of which in 2023 only 10% was financed (XXII annual report INPS, 2023): data that photograph a growing and onerous need for support.

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What changed in 2024? All and nothing, unfortunately. If the initiative of the previous government was economically more consistent but lacking in planning (no refinancing was planned for the following years), the Meloni government changes the addenda and emphasizes the structurality of the measure: in 2023 were allocated only 5 million, 8 "for the years 2024 and following" (Budget Law 2023, art. 1 paragraph 538). In line with the commutative property, beyond the intent, the result does not change and will not change: at May 31, the last useful date to apply for the psychologist bonus, 400,505 applications were received by the INPS. If the money is scarce and the demand continues to be high, it is difficult that the measure actually affects access to psychological support.

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Access was not easy because of the Lenten timing of public administration. The bonus, paid once per year, concerns only residents in Italy, is proportional to the ISEE not exceeding 50 thousand euros and a maximum of 1500 euros per person. The 400,000 who have applied have been waiting for twenty days for the fateful ranking that should decree those entitled. The wait has been extended by another 30 days: this is the time that Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale gave, in a note of 5 June last, to regularize omissions and discrepancies of the ISEE submitted.

It will be necessary to wait for the beginning of July. And the drafting of the rankings. And the provision of the benefit, "subject to the effective transfer to the INPS of funds by the Regions and/or Autonomous Provinces". Then find a psychologist who accepts the bonus. Obviously within 270 days of the same validity.

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That institutions are also interested in mental health is certainly good, the number of requests shows that there is a real and substantial need for this service. Responding to this with the policy of bonuses, instead of investing in an efficient public service, widespread, homogeneous in the peninsula, well sponsored, is a patch on a hemorrhage that certainly has no beginning in the post-pandemic.



Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios