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5 most hilarious betrayal stories

If there is one thing that never goes out of fashion, it is cheating, after all, who can say they have never cheated or been the victim of a betrayal?


Why does one cheat? A question with a far from obvious answer. According to some, one would cheat in the life of a couple out of a lack of self-confidence. For others, a cheater would violate the trust of his or her partner out of a tacit search for pleasure in the forbidden and in going "against the rules". Boredom, routine another enemy of the couple, and finally, cheating in love would be a way to vent all the accumulated problems never addressed within a relationship.

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For those who believe in astrology, then, certain zodiac signs would already be predisposed by nature to cheating: Aries, Taurus and Gemini seem to be the most faithless signs of the zodiac. Cheating is certainly a painful process for both the perpetrator and the sufferer, but many stories have a hilarious quality. Here are 5 betrayals that are nothing short of hilarious:

  • He goes on holiday and checks on the cat remotely but discovers that in his bed is the neighbour with his mistress! The problem of where to leave your pets when you go away is the order of the day and usually if you have a cat it is easy to ask someone who is convenient to go and check on the furry one and feed it. In short, the neighbour fills the role of the perfect pet sitter, but if the neighbour uses your bed for meetings with his lover and you find out via a webcam, well, shock is assured. Our proximity goes to the cat who has certainly seen it all and we are not talking about his food.

  • She discovers that her boyfriend is cheating on her thanks to the food delivery app. Rule number one if you cheat: don't go out too much in clubs, bars, restaurants. We all know that it's a small world and that bad luck sees very well. So what better than an app to get your food delivered to your door? And that's where when you feel safe you slip on a banana peel to stay on the culinary theme. Official girlfriend orders with her boyfriend's mobile phone and sees an address she didn't know. Boom discovers the affair. A minute's silence for the boyfriend who not only uses his mobile phone to order with his mistress but also hands it over to the girlfriend. True genius.

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  • He discovers that his wife is having an affair with her father from their baby monitor. Surely technology has done more damage than hail. Cameras, baby monitors and other devilry are so much a part of our daily lives that we forget about them, Big Brother's fault. And that the father can have a flirtation with his son's wife is definitely Beautiful's fault. And now his wife is pregnant with twins. That's called karma.

  • He travelled 2400 km wearing a teddy bear costume to surprise his girlfriend but found her in the arms of another. It is known that surprises should not be made, especially dressed as a bear. The point to be analysed in this story is only one: why dress up as a bear? Perhaps it was no coincidence that the girlfriend was thousands of kilometres away. So much sympathy for the lover. You know that when you are caught red-handed, guilt or inadequacy or panic can take over, but if the one who catches you is a bear you certainly feel like the most normal third wheel in the world.

  • Girl suspects her boyfriend of cheating and with the help of artificial intelligence clones his voice calls his best friend and the fact is confessed. If this girl is not studying criminology she should start now. A real detective who, having the latest technological innovation at her disposal, uses it and uncovers the misdeed. Definitely a movie story... science fiction.

The fantasy that accompanies cheating is often driven by the idea that the secret affair could lead to something new. Adventures would then mirror a desire: a desire for attention, to feel special, to feel important. The adventure would then be a force that pushes one to rediscover parts of oneself that are buried, abandoned, forgotten, and that ask to be given new life. Moral of the story? What have these stories taught us? Not to betray? Or to be less stupid?



Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios