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Cesare Cremonini is back with “Ora che non ho più te”

After two years of silence, the Bolognese man drops the bombshell


“Ora che non ho più te” is Cesare Cremonini's 38th single, released not even 24 hours ago.

A story of rebirth, a city that must calm down to leave room for reflection, lights that must go out to allow you to see and hear what you really feel and think. A melancholic ballad that aims straight at the stomach by delivering a gentle punch.

Cremonini is like that, the one of gentle punches. Able to remain silent for years, showing on his socials only his passion for his city, Bologna, for music, of course, and for good food. A few snippets of study, of rehearsals, of sheets with sketchy lyrics and hard-to-read words. A long-suffering courtship, the one he enacts towards his fans, only to arrive with a mega marriage proposal to which it is impossible to say no.

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Two years of silence since the last album “La ragazza del futuro” . The music scene is no longer used to silence. A single is released every month and no more albums are made, chorus is sought but words are sketched out. People talk about love without allowing love to speak.

“I chose it as an opener because it was a turning point from the point of view of music production and a page-turner in my life. It is not a memory that I want to return, it is an experience that has to become a biography, becoming free again. I think it's important to leave things the moment you're allowed to, it's pointless to end a relationship, a friendship, a working relationship, any piece of your life, before it's due, before it's time.” Cremonini tells TGCOM24 in reference to the single prelude to an album that will take him to stadiums throughout summer 2025.

A text devoid of metaphors, the former Lùnapop always comments, that tells exactly what happens when a relationship ends, without filters or scaffolding of rhetorical figures for their own sake. Cremonini wants to return to a real language, a master of truth, made of images in which anyone can recognize themselves and feel a part.

A hymn to a new artistic maturity that no longer needs affirmation, he just enjoys it.



Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios