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Who is behind Tintoria Podcast? Interview with the Rapone-Tinti duo

They are the winners of the “Amazon Music Audience Award” in the Italian Podcast Awards - 2023 edition and will continue with Tintoria as long as they have fun


Considered the first Italian comedy podcast, Tintoria Podcast was born back in 2018. From an idea of Daniele Tinti, fascinated by the American scene, joined by Stefano Rapone initially a hidden co-author and today a clearly visible co-host. 

Arrived at episode 173, it seems not to lose its disinterested way of following particular logics. The guiding star is the authentic chat with the guest. Best when he decides to tell his story in a natural way without superstructure, and best when a comedian does the telling. Just in case we get a laugh out of it....

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Let's start with a point-blank question, how are you?

Very well, thank you.

The inspiration for Dyeing is American-style, who writes the episodes?

The guests write the episodes. They determine the direction and the mold we take. We just study to try to arrive prepared.

You started from 0, how will your project evolve?

We feel satisfied with the current format but for the future we are not precluding anything.

Number of episodes 173, will the podcast continue indefinitely?

We will continue undeterred as long as we enjoy the podcast.

Aren't you afraid of becoming boring?

Guests make each episode different from the next, this should keep boredom away.

The most comical episode?

There have been many: those with Ceccherini, with Sermonti, with Nuzzo and Di Biase just to name a few.

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What about the one that should have been the best one but turned out to be a failure?

We don't consider any of them to be failures. Before the start of each taping we tell the audience that we will try to have a conversation with the guest, without necessarily making it a show. The conversations don't have to be comedic, we also care when the guests are serious. 

Now stand-up comedy is quite mainstream, Ravenna called it the trap of comedy, which comedians will stay alive?

The ones who make people laugh.

Stefano also does TV, would you like to work in film?

If cinema needs comedians and podcasters we hope they know how to find us.

The question you would like me to ask you?

The job of a journalist is very difficult, and in fact we don't know what to answer to this question.




Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios