Welcome to the new episode of ARTYGRAM which sees the French artist Johanna Dumet as the protagonist, known for the liveliness that shines through the rigid hyper colored brushstrokes and abstract shapes that transform into objects of desire.
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Born in 1991, Johanna has lived in Berlin for six years where she shares her studio and her art with her partner Manuel, also a sculptor.
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The studio becomes the center of her artistic activity, a hub to fully express her freedom and her desire to talk ironically about the capitalism created around the logo of brands and how much the consumer of the fashion system is obsessed with them for the purpose to establish themselves socially.
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This is the focus that fascinates Johanna within her canvases. Psychology ethe irrational thoughts that intrigue and lead to the colorful irony of her palettes, precisely like Andy Warhol and the Campbell tomato soap in the 1970s. Similarly, the artist tells us about the logomania linked to brands like Prada, Dior or Hermes.
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The fil rouge and the DNA that emerge from her talent is to transmit us, in a subtle way, the most authentic vision of a world made of appearances.
At the same time, however, Johanna makes us experience ostentation in a light and fun way and this is the secret of her art.
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Her paintings make us think, but they color us with awareness. The act of creation leads us to a childish world and flaw is transformed into something precious and to be exalted.The simplicity of her lines go straight to become the outline of the essence of objects she creates, from bags to gloves, to long-distance boots.
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Johanna introduced us with her canvases the love for objects of desire and how important it is to feel strongly free in order to express oneself fully.
From May 2021, she will exhibit her works at @galeriedroste .
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