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5 things to know before you go on vacation to Montenegro

If vacationing in Albania does not appeal to you because of a more or less justified skepticism toward the Land of Eagles, you can always head up north and stop before the border to discover neighboring Montenegro.


Tirana, Durres, Vlora and Shkodra are cities that do not sound familiar to you, and vacationing in Albania is not in your options for summer 2024 you can always set off to discover another destination on the other Adriatic, Montenegro. Located just north of the Land of Eagles, the state to which a famous bitter was also dedicated (whatever, it's not true but it had to be mentioned) has almost three hundred kilometers of coastline, bridging Croatia and Albania.  

There are many places, in Montenegro, that deserve to be included in the summer 2024 travel program, from the forest-filled national parks to the unique Lake Shkodra, from the huge Bay of Boka Kotorska Bay to the ancient capital Cetinje (twinned with our Spoleto), from the capital Podgorica to the very deep Tara canyon.

So let's look at 5 pointers that might come in handy as we plan a vacation of sea, mountains and exploration in this exotic but not remote shore of the Adriatic Sea. 

How to get there

If the idea is to tour the country to discover its merits and demerits, especially the former, and the Adriatic coast is not too far from your starting point, the best means is by ship. From Ancona, Bari and Brindisi you embark in the direction of Bar with the flag vessels Jadrolinija, Adria Ferries and Gnv. Actually this was the case until last year, then due to some changes of scenery (such as Croatia's entry into the Schengen area) the situation has become quite complicated and as of today it is rather difficult to find a sea carrier to cover the route. A gap, however, that will probably be filled before the official explosion in the summer. Alternatively, there are always planes: a Rome-Podgorica flight in July costs just over 200 euros.

Where to sleep

Of course, the choice of accommodation depends on the type of vacation you plan. For a nice tour of the hinterland to discover beauty, natural parks and mountains, one could choose Žabljak, a northern town very close to Durmitor Park, Tara Canyon and Lake Crno. Woods and forests in profusion, cool climate, and apartments that cost about 500 euros per week in August. In contrast, the capital Podgorica is closer to the sea, Lake Shkodra and the cozy seaside resorts of Budva and St. Stephen's. Here you might prefer a lakeside accommodation, perhaps in tiny but quaint Virpazar: for 100 euros a night the Ethno Lodge AB will accommodate you more than adequately.

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What to watch out for

Our Foreign Ministry is quite reassuring with respect to possible risks and complications. No special documents or visas, just a valid identity card for expatriation. No specific vaccinations. Although ... "An entrenched presence of local criminal organizations is reported; violent incidents (settling of scores between criminal groups) have occurred in some cases. Attention is drawn to frequent episodes of petty crime (muggings, thefts) during the summer period, when the presence of foreign tourists in coastal resorts is greater. You are advised to pay special attention to your personal belongings at the beach." In short, nothing very different from some of some Italian regions.

What to see absolutely

The Bay of Boka Kotorska Bay is a really must-see place. A huge salt lake, a bay that even cruise ships enter but with rather narrow access to the sea. The small town, Kotor, has a small but worthwhile historic center. Sveti Stefan (St. Stephen's) is a peculiar village that hosts a tiny peninsula and has been entirely converted into a tourist facility: an exclusive resort overlooking two beaches. Ostrog Monastery, set in the rock of the mountain, as ancient and remote as it is pleasant to explore. Lake Shkodra, half of which is in Albania, where you can enjoy a boat trip and a visit to Kom Monastery.

How to feed yourself

These can range from savory pies filled with spinach, ground meat or cheese to spicy-tasting meatballs, from fried carp to seafood soup. For starters goat cheese with olives or ham. All this if you want to stick to the typical. Otherwise pasta bolognese, pizza, kebabs and burgers nonstop.



Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios