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WIJI Surf Fest: the event dedicated to surf culture is coming to Milan

A day of fun and sustainability, travelling through the world of surfing and art with live performances


The first edition of the WIJI Surf Fest arrives in Milan, an unmissable event for all surf lovers and not only. A day entirely dedicated to surf culture, enriched by art, music, sport and fun.

On Friday 8 September, the sparkling event will be held at BASE in Via Bergognone 24. The event will start at 3 p.m. and promises to offer an unforgettable experience in the name of surf culture and sustainable lifestyle.

The event will kick off with a series of special experiences, accessible through online booking. These activities will range from sunset yoga with renowned instructor Irene Traina, to mindfulness practice with coach Rajan Gualtieri, via surf skate sessions and surf training. Everything will take place on the BASE's splendid terrace, which will be set up with a corner dedicated to beauty&massage.

Art will play a prominent role during the event, with works by renowned artists such as Andy Bluvertigo, the exponents of A NIGHT WITH, the talented photographer Lucrezia Corciolani and the illustrator Arrietty.

From 6.30 p.m. WIJI Talks (sponsored by HYPE) will kick off, a series of panel discussions moderated by Marco Maccarini and featuring special guests:

  • Life in Plastic Isn't Fantastic: A focus on the problem of plastic in the marine environment, with talks by Giovanni Rolfini of PROGETTO EUROPA, an expert in innovative recycling of plastic waste, and Luca De Gaetano, president of PLASTIC FREE ONLUS.
  • Wave of Colors: Analysis of the relationship between art, nature and colour, with talks by Lucrezia Corciolani and the visual artist and musician Andy Bluvertigo, who will create a work of art in support of the PLASTIC FREE ONLUS cause.
  • Surfin' Italy: The Wakeparadise Milano team will talk about the evolution of surfing in Italy, with talks by Ludovico Vanoli and Tommaso Scollo.
  • Time is Money... in a Sense: An analysis on financial awareness and freedom, with Ilaria Riviera and singer-songwriter and mindfulness instructor Jack Jaselli.
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From 7.50 p.m. the BASE courtyard will come to life with a series of engaging live musical performances. The event will begin with the young Salento artist SOFIE, followed by singer-songwriter Jack Jaselli, the Monkeys in a Barrel and the live visual performance Drift Live curated by Onde Nostre. The evening will end on a high note with a special DJ Set by the group LINOLEUM.

More information at:


Photos WIJI SURF FEST Press Office