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Everything you need to know about the Olsen twins

From teen idols to style icons


Hands up who at least once dreamed of being one of the Olsen twins!

Know that I see you and do not judge you.

Yes, because the Olsen twins, aka Mary-Kate and Ashley, were the idol of millions of kids around the world. They represented the 90s TV series, with their blonde hair, their high clogs and super trendy dresses.

Anyone looking at one of their series wanted to be one of the two, some even both, to get the best of both worlds.

They experienced moments of absolute popularity and others of great difficulty, perhaps precisely because of the popularity itself.


So let's relive with us the career and life of the two famous twins!

The beginnings

Well before being a teenager idol, the Olsen twins had a long apprenticeship that began at the age of six months. They share the Full House set, an American cult series aired from 1987 to 1995. The role entrusted to the Olsen? A little girl. You have understood correctly, one and only child.

The director and the producers were looking for a pair of twins who could, by exchanging, play the role of Michelle Tanner. Among 20 pairs of tested twins, only one couple managed to pass the test: the Olsen twins. The only ones not to burst into tears during the casting.

Throughout the series, the producers, in order not to make it clear to the public that they were two different people, decided to have the name Mary-Kate Ashley Olsen appear in the credits.

The youngest producer in Hollywood

Since the airing of Full House, the rise of the two child prodigies in the Hollywood world has been increasingly rapid. They begin to interpret TV series and films, always together; even the titles of their films constantly emphasized their status as inseparable twins.

Two magical twins (1992), Two twins in the Far West (1994), The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (1997), a series of short films consisting of 11 episodes whose theme was the resolution of mysteries. And so on.

At the age of 6 they founded their own manufacturer, the DualStar, which will produce any film, series, game, brand, in which the Olsen twins will appear. With their premature career and the founding of the DualStar Entertainment Group, they are the youngest producers in history and at the age of 10 the richest non-heiresses in the world are decreed.

The farewell


Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen remained on the wave until the early 2000s, when, after numerous successes and even a star on the Walk of Fame (2004), they decided in 2007 to end their career as actresses with iconic and, perhaps, most memorable, film "A crazy day in New York". Then the twins were 21 and declared that if they ever intended to return to the entertainment world, they would only do it as producers.

The darkest moment

In 2004, rumors about Mary-Kate on an alleged problem of eating disorders began to chase. On the day of the presentation of their star on the Walk of Fame, the same year, the young twin appears visibly thin and fragile.


A few months later she enters a rehabilitation center for eating disorders and drug use; problem from which she manages to emerge victorious.


A few years later, in 2015, sister Ashley was diagnosed with Lyme syndrome and, moreover, it turns out that since she was a child, she has been suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which, since she was a child age, force her to use Ratalin constantly.

The Row

A year before their farewell to the world of cinema, in 2006, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen founded The Row, a brand now known throughout the world and which owns three megastores.

As you can read from the about section of the site (, the brand takes its name from London’s Savile Row, a street in central London, in Mayfair. The same street where the Apple Records building is located, on whose roof the Beatles held their last and famous concert.

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Inside the aesthetic of the brand there are the Olsen twins as we know them today: more and more minimal, but also a little boho style. Garments with a sartorial taste that focus on the precision and quality of fabrics.

The twin sisters growing up stood out for their look, sometimes not at all sober, and for their style, style choices, in 2005 Mary-Kate was called a style icon by The New York Times which, defined the look of the twin "ashcan" or "bohemian-bourgeois", a sort of "boho-chic", made of sunglasses and oversize clothes and a mix of low and high price clothes.

The rise in the fashion industry

After the foundation of The Row, the Olsen did not stop and, just a year later, in 2007, they founded a second brand, Elizabeth & James, this time inspired by the names of the two brothers (Elizabeth Olsen today is a very actress established).

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The collections of this brand represent the gipsy side of the two girls. There is a strong quest for the vintage world. The desire was, in fact, to create a brand that produced pieces that could easily be found in the wardrobe of Mary-Kate and Ashley.

Their thirst for fashion has never been exhausted with these two brands and, over the years, they have tried to impose themselves more and more in the world of fashion, becoming also very appreciated and admired fashion designers.


With this passion of theirs, they went all the way to Norway, where they founded another brand and also here in Italy. They are currently the creative directors of Superga.


Mary-Kate and Ashley really kept their word from the cinema farewell. There are very few moments in which it is possible to see them in public.

The last appearance is at the Met Gala 2018, where they presented themselves with an outfit that many have called off-topic, but which has however made them talk about them. They were there on that red carpet as if someone had put them there by chance or forced them.


Their look is always unmistakable. They have never conformed to the style of Hollywood stars, to the "mass". Always and only nonconformists; a bit like their life in recent times.

The Olsen twins of the last 10 years have found their serenity, perhaps in the world that really belongs to them; made of fashion, non-conformism (they do not have a social profile), a life that has been enough for the spotlight, at least for now. The limelight was too much on them, they want to stay in the shade for a while.


The only news, few, that we have of them, are about their private life: in 2015, Mary-Kate got married to Nicolas Sarkozy's half-brother, Olivier; a relationship that has caused many controversies, about the age difference between the two.


Ashley, instead, in 2016, after seven months, closed her relationship with the financier Richard Sachs.

They will never change, even if someone told them to do it and if you wanted to meet them they will always be there, on a street in New York, sipping a giant take away coffee, with their big sunglasses.
