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Why are there beauty taboos that we still can't overcome?

We asked our community to tell us about their beauty taboos


As much as we can talk about self-acceptance, body positivity and normalization of the human body, it is clear that there are still many steps forward to be made. More than steps, real jumps.

Basti pensare a tutto il polverone sollevato per Armine Harutyunyan, modella di Gucci di origine armena, verso cui si è scatenata una tempesta di commenti velenosi e sconvolgenti solo perché i suoi lineamenti audaci e le sue sopracciglia foltissime sono distanti dagli standard di bellezza convenzionali.

Just think of all the fuss raised for Armine Harutyunyan, a Gucci model of Armenian origin, towards whom a storm of poisonous and shocking comments has been unleashed just because her bold features and her very thick eyebrows are far from conventional beauty standards.

These standards are obviously also part of our everyday life, which is why leaving the house without makeup, dressing as you wish or going to the beach without feeling uncomfortable are unfortunately still a real ordeal (but not for everyone, fortunately) .

Starting from this consideration we decided to do a small survey by asking the question:

"What is the beauty taboo you would like to overcome?"

Here is a summary of the answers:

Cellulite, pimples and hair on every part of the body, blackheads, enlarged pores, stretch marks, skin imperfections, wearing clothes that show tummy and thighs and anything that deviates from the beauty standards of a certain culture or a certain place.

Thank goodness on Instagram it is now more and more frequent to see women who are not afraid to show pimples, stretch marks, hair, rolls, white hair and situations from "everyday life" trying to kick in that place called ass to the thousands of filters used for the stories that try in every way to give us an image of us that does not correspond to reality. Planed faces, perfect complexion, zero dark circles, elongated eyes and other panic things.

This constant obsession with perfection can really become toxic, causing a totally distorted view of one's appearance and fueling an insecurity that shouldn't even exist, just because someone has decided that "that thing is not right".

Let us show ourselves for what we are, including dilated pores and cellulite, and stop being slaves to these standards that do nothing but distance us from a very precious element for our well-being: the awareness that everything is beauty.