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The best overstatements of the Silicon Valley tycoons in 2023

Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and new owner of the former Twitter, now X, as well as richest man in the world, has recently been talking about himself for being in Rome on the occasion of Atreju, the feast of Fratelli D'Italia, the party of Italian premier Giorgia Meloni.


In the capital, and perhaps right at the Colosseum, Musk could have been found, however, this year in many other ways to face Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, in a meeting of Mma (mixed martial arts) themed ancient Rome. It’s not the plot of a fanfiction for nerds, the two tycoons had really feared the match in several exchanges on social media but they have finally revealed yet another baloney of 2023 of the Silicon Valley tycoons, now considered by many users as capricious children who get rich too quickly.

The best fight that never happened

This summer Musk challenged Zuck to a UFC model "cage fight", after learning that Meta was working on a Twitter impersonator, Threads, available also in Italy since few days. 

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Un post condiviso da Musk vs Zuckerberg Fighting Game (@fighting_game_mvz)

The former Harvard boy prodigy seemed to have accepted the proposal, absurd as it may be, and Italy had expressed an interest in hosting the historic meeting, but to remove doubt about a story too good to be true was later the same head of Meta saying that Musk was not serious in his invitation and that it was time to go ahead and devote himself to something else. A purpose never like this time shared.

He may not have fought dressed as a gladiator in the fight of the century, but Musk in Rome managed to make himself heard by repeating some of his controversial battle horses, first of all the denatality. "If I wanted to open a company in this country, will there be enough people who can work there?" he asked, referring to Italy. 

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Un post condiviso da Giorgia Meloni (@giorgiameloni)

He was also sceptical about the climate crisis, while producing electric cars: "I am an environmentalist. However, I believe that climate change is not such a major threat in the short term".

Charity and bankruptcy

If the first richest man in the world has spent 2023 buying and destroying social media and making divisive statements, often supporting positions of the extreme right in the name of freedom of expression, the second, Jeff Bezos, at the age of 60, seems more oriented towards the noble pastime of philanthropy. In a rather hyperbolic way, there is to say. The patron of Amazon has said that he will donate much of his assets estimated at 174 billion dollars to charity. It is not yet clear to whom and how much.

Bezos also said that in the distant future the failure of Amazon is possible and it is unclear whether it is just an extreme expression of modesty or whether he knows something that we do not know. Probably when Amazon collapses he will already be living on Mars together with Musk and some other multi-billionaire.

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Un post condiviso da Jeff Bezos (@jeffbezos)

AI revolutionary

About the future and predictions, Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, said that even today artificial intelligence is an invention comparable to the discovery of fire or electricity for humanity. Visionary or exaggerated? Soon to say, but in this case in less than ten years we will look back and perhaps the phrase will no longer seem one of the many exaggerations of the Silicon Valley magnates, but even a prudent forecast.



Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios