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What about the influencers?

What about the influencers? Despite the possibility of their imminent demise being announced every year, influencers continue to be there, looking out their profile window at what’s going to happen. 


Is there any change? Are we tired? Death to influencers?

Let’s not be stupid! 

What you notice now is a kind of late fatigue on glossy and fake lives, on videos too perfect and on retouched images. On the other hand, there is a slight return to more spontaneous communication, shooting out of focus and a simpler style but nothing overwhelming.

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Un post condiviso da Giulia Valentina (@giuliavalentina)

Despite the possibility of their imminent demise being announced every year, influencers continue to be there, looking out their profile window at what’s going to happen.  So what happens next? 

Let’s try to analyze the phenomenon

What do influencers do? Advertising! Just advertising! Exactly like the one we see on TV or in the newspapers, but with an extra fake truthfulness tone because the influencer doesn’t initially look like an actor. He tells us that he really tried that product and we believe in it.  

In fact, he is nothing more than an actor, in fact. His home a location and everything around him are co-actors more or less aware. Pets (kittens always make a bang of clicks), grandmothers, brothers and sisters and so on and so forth.

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Un post condiviso da Chiara Ferragni ✨ (@chiaraferragni)

At the beginning of the influencer era the first impression was that the videos were homemade, made by leaning the cell phone on a chair and that the creativity and direction was the influencer of the case unaware of influencing someone. Those who had more snort had an advantage but little else. 

"Look at that good/ or, that video is really funny, as he speaks well, is too nice/ or. It goes well if she does/ he can do it too!"

It is so everyone to post, but who to influence? 

Chiara Ferragni, although now in press silence after the storm of Pandoro is among the most popular influencers, creativity in her contents there is very little, just put your face or at least you just put your face. Like her Chiara Biasi and Veronica Ferraro. 

And then there are more creative profiles, where storytelling is studied at the desk. They are called content creators. Each video or photo has a more articulated, thought-out construction. Some examples: Giulia Valentina, among other famous ex of Fedez, Cami Hawke and Giulia Torelli. The best so? Maybe yes, but to do what?

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Un post condiviso da Giulia Torelli (@rockandfiocc)

If we think about doing anything. Because after the first amateur attempts were born the communication agencies dedicated to them, the authors dedicated to them, the filmmakers and photographers dedicated to them. The beautiful continue to work more than the ugly, the skinny more than the fat, the grandmothers more than the brothers, the rich more than the poor.

We, on the other hand, feel closer to these characters than a sterile actor, so much so that if we turn the boxes we can even insult, or ban or tease them. Maybe we buy some products and in addition to the product we also get attached to the dog of one and the house and the children of the other, but always receiving a message: theirs. 

In other words, influencers are the commercials of yesteryear and the stories of content creators the soap operas our grandmother watched. The rules that revolve around these fictitious worlds still remain few and nebulous.

There is confusion about the use of images especially of minors that are smeared dangerously everywhere, there is no clarity about the numbers of followers, there are censorship without a sense and undisturbed hacking profiles.

Moral? We’re back to square one. Well yes, again in front of some advertising carousels only that the remote control is our phone and companies channel investments to an already targeted and segmented audience that has the right features to buy that product, optimizing the expense and yield. 

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Un post condiviso da jadezzzzz (@jadezzzzz)

Two birds with one stone was once said. A jungle made of algorithms, clicks and hearts is said now. 

In the end, a big mess.

The world loves shit. Humanity is a mess, let alone influencers disappearing in this mess! That’s not gonna happen, it’s only gonna happen if we all decide to delete our profiles one day together.

"To be or not to be?" that was the dilemma. 

"Be there or not?" That’s our condemnation today. 



Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios