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Salvini swells on 30 km per hour

The minister attacks the mayor of Bologna and prepares a directive to ban the 30 hour in the city. To give the green light was he. But that doesn’t matter: votes count.


He wrapped himself this time. The crusade against the limit of 30 km per hour in Bologna is likely to turn into a slippery banana peel for the minister of infrastructure and transport Matteo Salvini. Pressed as he is by the need to recover consensus by beating up the communists of the two towers and the embarrassment in denying a measure that bears his signature. A decree of 22 December 2022, with which, in addition to blessing the speed limit already adopted in many European cities, also allocated 13 million euros, of which 613 thousand euros intended for Bologna

Jokes of the memory. And of that damned day in which he got the idea to overtake on the right his deputy minister, Galeazzo Bignami, Bolognese reference point of Fratelli d'Italia, known above all for a photo with the uniform of the third Reich and the swastika arm that goes crazy for a long time on the web (for those who do not believe in Google Galeazzo Bignami, images). 

What did Subordinate Galeazzo do to make Salvini get so worked up? Simple: he decided to ride the dissent that the introduction of 30 hour produced in the capital of Emilia promising a redeferendum to abolish them. A great idea to earn votes, so good that Salvini decided to push on the accelerator and go beyond. 

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«Forcing an entire city to crash at 30 per hour is likely to be detrimental to everyone, starting with those who work, without proportional benefits in terms of safety and emission reduction» thundered the leader of the League on X (read Twitter). «I am very surprised that the Municipality of Bologna is also justifying the measure by not covering the chirping of the birds with the noise of the vehicles. And I am surprised that the administration throws in my face what was done by the previous minister, Enrico Giovannini, who had hoped for the adoption of zones 30»

Now, let alone the reference to the cinquettio of the birds that a minister of the Republic could also have saved. The question is, did someone trap him? Why did he quote Giovannini? Why was he not warned that it was he himself, three days before Christmas 2022, who signed the decree on zones 30? Questions that are burning. Questions frozen quickly by Salvini’s entourage busy as he is in finding a way out. 

That seems to be already identified: a directive, at the moment being drawn up, with which the ministry "commissioner" the slow-speed revolution fielded by the mayor dem of Bologna Matteo Lepore, imposing from above the return to the limit of 50 hours. A coup of centralist matrix that Lepore is ready to oppose giving rise to a judicial battle that will probably accompany us until the European consultations. 

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According to a study by the World Health Organization, if a car hits a pedestrian at 30 km per hour there are 9 chances in 10 that the same pedestrian does not lose his life. Chances are they’ll go down to 7 out of 10 at 40 kilometers an hour and collapse at 1 out of 10 to 50 kilometers an hour. But that obviously doesn’t matter to the minister. Nor does it matter that, after Graz, the 30 limit was introduced in London, Helsinki, Bilbao, Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin and many other European cities, including Olbia and Treviso, administered from the centre-right. 

And the flag of territorial autonomy? How does a provision of a centralist matrix like that being studied in the ministry of Salvini fit with the doctrine of the League? She doesn’t get married, but who cares. Beauty vows count. Vows.



Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios