The study of the Department of Psychiatry of Stanford University proved this, the director of the course wanted to give an unusual lecture for his students.
He began by stating that one of the best things a man can do for his well-being and health is to marry a woman, while for a woman, the best thing is to cultivate relationships with her friends. His statement initially aroused a common laugh among all the students who attended the lesson, only after they realized that the professor's speech was based on a real basis.
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The reason behind this statement is that women develop and create relationships differently than men, they share emotions of all kinds, secrets and moments in their lives. All this creates very useful support systems in case of stress or difficult life experiences.
On the contrary, men base their interpersonal relationships and their relationships by limiting sharing to concrete or superficial activities.
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Women dig deep, their relationships are based on sharing and complicity, women have feelings differently and this does not make them weaker or more sensitive than men, on the contrary it only makes their relationships have some basis solid and truthful.
Friendships are essential for a woman, they are good for both their mental and physical health, they could be compared to physical activity. Female friendships are a relief valve, one might think that the time a woman spends in the company of her friend is wasted time that she could devote to work, to her partner or to her family, but this is not the case.
The time every woman devotes to her friend, sister or mother is time that benefits herself and her mental health. In fact, the director says: “Every time you share time with a friend, you can pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself, because you have done a great thing for your health!”.
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Women carry on their relationships for years, we all have that childhood friend that even if we no longer frequent as often as in the past we know for sure that it will always be there for us, this is because over time we have established a bond with this person which goes beyond common interests, but which is based on true feelings.
Women share time, joys, pains and moments with each other that they will remember for a lifetime.
Having a friend is like being lucky enough to find your soul mate with whom to share everything.
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As sweet Charlotte said in the hit TV series Sex And The City “Don't laugh, but maybe we are each other's soul mates. And let men be just those extraordinary cute guys to have fun with”. Apparently she was right.