You want to be right, you do things that bother others, you interpret a detail from different points of view. These are some of the reasons why people argue. While the reasons may be more or less important, the irrational aspect is that seeing quarrels, especially on television, arouses disproportionate interest in human beings. A mix of masochism, amusement, wonder, identification and moral closeness with the protagonists of the argument. And, therefore, by instinct one wants to see, to hear, even more. More and more.
“Oh see he/she also went crazy,” “Oh see what a temper.” In other words we are still in ancient Rome, sitting in the Colosseum inciting gladiator and beast thirsty for a blood filled insult. And on TV where everything is amplified and the share soars when someone “loses his jug” it is done to the nth degree so much so that some, let's call them altercations, have become viral and even iconic.
Here are 5 of the most famous fights in the history of Italian television.
- Vittorio Sgargi and Roberto D'Agostino on L'Istruttoria in 1991: the main character who has been the protagonist of numerous television fights is undoubtedly Vittorio Sgarbi. It was 1991 when the art critic was the protagonist of a brawl on the talk show L'Istruttoria with Roberto D'Agostino, who gave Sgarbi a real slap in the face under the rapturous eyes of Giuliano Ferrara. A quarrel that to this day is still considered the pinnacle of television discussions. Author slaps and free insult. Sgarbi and D'Agostino “celebrated” in 2011 the 30th anniversary of the famous brawl: “Slapping is dialectics.” It will be...
- Mike Bongiorno and Antonella Elia on The Wheel of Fortune in 1996: most memorable is Mike Bongiorno's face in front of the skit with his historical valet Antonella Elia where a contestant on the program refuses to accept a fur coat as a gift and Elia compliments her. The off-air is hilarious, Mike loses his mind, even calls Elia a bitch, and Elia between a “but uffa” and a shrug threatens to leave. Initiative that Mike takes willingly concluding, “go so they will sue you.” So much for “cheerfulness!”.
- Alba Parietti and Aldo Busi at Alba all'oscuro 2011: Alba Parietti during her La7 talk show where it was not known who the host was when confronted by Aldo Busi exclaims, “Ah but you told me it was male!” He had never done that. Busi took it not badly but very badly. And he began to insult her heavily, with good reason we might add, claiming that Alba's insult hurt him deeply for all the wars he had and continued to support for gender equality. Emblematic was his phrase “we met a thousand lip-smackers ago.”
- Arisa and Simona Ventura at X Factor 6 2012: Frères Chaos from Arisa's stable are eliminated thanks in part to a vote against by Simona Ventura, who has always been lavish with compliments for the group. The Lucanian singer does not take it lying down and breaks out in one of the scenes in television history that is now history. “Why are you fake Simona, it's the fucking truth.” You can't count the memes about this exit but twist in 2023 in the interview Arisa gave to Belve when Francesca Fagnani asks her what was the lowest, ugliest moment of her long career, Rosalba has no doubts in answering, “The lowest was when I told Simona (Ventura) that she was fake on X Factor, because at that moment she was playing her game, she had the right and I mine. It is not true that she is fake and I love her." And Ventura is moved... Thank goodness peace made, after all, the more the years go by, the better we get.
- Lilli Gruber and Mentana La7 2024: Mentana has been anchoring the 8 p.m. newscast for 15 years, while Gruber is in charge of the in-depth program Otto e mezzo. As the name suggests, the start time is scheduled punctually at 8:30 p.m., but on Monday, May 6th, the former Tg1 anchorwoman received the line late from her colleague and did not fail to point it out live in front of viewers. "Welcome to 8:46 and not 8:30. And not at 8:30 either. Incontinence is a bad thing.” the host commented. Mentana did not struggle to retort “Those who followed us Lilli Gruber, heard very unpleasant and offensive words towards yours truly, I have been here for 14 years and I have never offended anyone. I would appreciate reciprocity and that in the company there is not the muteness that has accompanied the affair for 24 hours. Tomorrow we will see if there was anything, if not, I will draw the conclusions and due consequences." But with age, wasn't one supposed to become better?
Woody Allen on television gave this opinion, “Americans never throw away their garbage. They turn them into television shows!"
Even in Italy we don't joke, we fight, always have. Everybody to the Colosseum then...oops we meant everybody on the couch in front of the TV.
Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios