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How to get engaged to whom you want? TikTok knows

A thousand plus content to establish the relationship with the one you've always wanted in record time


More than a few would call the millennial and even Z generation from “disposable relationships.” No doubt it seems really hard to follow the beacon light of “forever” these days. Even famous and listed couples seemingly less divisible than an atom are beginning to dismember. So if not even the beautiful Alice Campello and Alvaro Morata are saved, what hope do ordinary mortals have? What little do they have in their wallets to enrich the relationship with formidable experiences around the world? 

Luca, 36, a young cardiologist argues that: “There is too much input on social these days. I can have a girlfriend and then get on Instagram and have the opportunity to see hundreds of pictures of beautiful girls and, I admit, fall into temptation and write him a DM. That's why I personally found a solution: I try to get on social only a couple of hours a day and only after work.” Eye does not see, heart does not grieve so and if this can be a solution welcome. 

Several creators on TikTok also became aware of this social problem and wasted no time in finding a niche target audience. We are talking about several profiles run by a man producing content directed at women and a woman producing content directed at men. In these cases the algorithm works seriously, in fact it seems almost prophetic. Got a sentimental problem? Tac! Promptly these videos appear. 

They usually begin with rather brutal call-to-actions, such as, “Stop texting him if you want to make him fall at your feet!” It takes little for a young person in love and the trap is set. A catchy intro that immediately generates confidence in the eye of the beholder, a voice, that of the creator that immediately makes the user imagine that he knows his stuff, knows what he is talking about, and therefore can dispense advice. 

Almost all of this content is based on atavistic “in love the one who runs away wins” stereotypes, which is sometimes also true but, if we are really on the path of evolution we might think of establishing for example a trivial confrontation that puts the two subjects in question on an equal footing. This the creators, however, do not care and continue to throw out video after video aimed at having the battle of the lover win. Whether to consider the beloved or the beloved a prey whose head to stick proudly stuffed in the living room is still a mystery. 

One of the creator helpers of women in love is named Marco Diso. 6-figure video views, requests for help in the comments. Even a book entitled “MEN” offered in bio and available for purchase on Amazon.

@marcodiso Dai che piano piano stanno guarendo anche le mie labbra 🤕 #donne #uomini #uominiedonne #nonscrivergli #labbra #marcodiso #imparacontiktok ♬ Flawless - GOSTOSO

Marco Diso, as a man, seems to know everything about men: how to catch up with a guy who has not responded to messages for days, how to react if the boyfriend announces that he is going on vacation to Thailand or Cuba, why after you go back with the ex, and even why 30 percent of couples no longer make love. Of a marital relationship of Marco Diso on the web there is no trace and many could be the suppositions that come to mind, but that is another matter. 

One of the creators who instead invests her time in helping boys is Giada Baccianella who in her bio reads, “Become the man every woman dreams of.” And right after that a kind invitation to follow her YouTube channel. In short, in both cases the promise of love comes through monetization, but that's another matter. Judging from the videos offered by the creator, the male audience seems to need reassuring advice more than action plans. The content titles tell, “If you're afraid of rejection,” “How to overcome fear of rejection with a woman,” “4 signs a girl likes you,” and so on.

@giadabaccianella Vuoi sapere cosa fare se una donna non ti risponde più? 🚫💬 Non farti prendere dal panico! È il momento di andare avanti con fiducia e classe. Non lasciare che il silenzio ti abbatta. Non perdere tempo con chi non ti apprezza, scopri come voltare pagina con stile. #consigli #seduzione #seduzioneitaliana #donne #ragazze #messaggi ♬ suono originale - Giada Baccianella

In short, TikTok can be a valuable ally in the study of sentimental strategies. But won't it be precisely the social and strategic aspect that has generated, since their unspontaneous beginnings, the famous “disposable relationships”?

Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios