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Carlotta Mastroianni - founder of ADA - explained what it means to work in the art world today

“I don’t want to say that you have to sweat seven shirts, but have clear what you want to achieve and work to get there. Simply put: do it!”

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Thinking of an artist as a worker is not part of our cultural mapping. We are often led to think of art as an exercise in style, a pastime to occupy the days, a becoming, a hobby. The world, however, has changed (indeed perhaps it has never been so) and the artist to live as an artist would need a cataloging in the social list of professions cleared as such.

We met Carlotta Mastroianni, a young art advisor and founder of ADA, who clarified a few points about the world where she firmly chose to work.

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Cosa ci porta ad acquistare un’opera? Ho deciso di raccontarvi la mia personale esperienza e di lasciarvi qualche consiglio 👇🏻 - Entri in una galleria o nello studio di un artista e subito il tuo sguardo viene attirato da un lavoro in particolare. Perché? Forse ci parla di noi o ci attirano i colori o già ce la immaginiamo in quell’angolo di casa nostra. Se avviene questo vuol dire che é il momento di comprare! - Per quanto possa essere economica però acquistare un’opera è sempre impegnativo quindi dobbiamo farci alcune domande: 1. Posso permettermela?in caso potrei optare per qualche altro lavoro più economico (litografie, disegni..) 2. Mi piace veramente o sono influenzato dal fatto che questo artista sta andando di moda adesso? 3. Ci sono tutti i documenti corretti? - Ecco questo sono solo alcune delle domande che ci si dovrebbe porre prima di acquistare un’opera, ma una cosa è certa: vi riempirà la vita!

Un post condiviso da ADA | Carlotta Mastroianni ( in data:

Hello Carlotta, what does an art advisor do and how do you become one?

It is difficult to explain how you become an art advisor because there is no predefined path, such as to become a doctor or judge. I would like to say that Art Advisor you become with a little 'experience and what I can do is tell you my path. I studied architecture, I specialized with a Master of Art at Luiss and then I completed my training (at least for now) with a Master in Art & Finance at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London. If I have to say, however, what allowed me to work in this sector and plan to build my own business, I would definitely respond to the work experience I acquired working for different museums and galleries. I got to better understand how the art market works and then move around within it.

ADA was born because...

ADA was born because working in some galleries I realized that often collectors, especially the younger ones, did not buy the works because they did not have enough information and were afraid to ask to be guided. I tried to create an online platform that would offer advice quickly and cheaply and that would allow young artists to have more visibility, over time there were also several services such as the rental of works of art, The purchase in installments and we were able to expand our offer by inserting works of great artists historicized.

How does a young artist today afford to be an artist in Italy?

It is certainly very complicated, but I would say that unfortunately in Italy the artists themselves often do not consider their activity as a profession and this does not allow them to organize it as a job and therefore to have a profit. Probably this lack, which does not exist in other countries, is a legacy that we carry with us from the fifteenth century, when the artist was at the service of a rich patron who invested in his talent. Today the market no longer works like this and even if it is all less romantic, the artist must first think himself as a worker in order to live of his work.

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Questa sono io un attimo prima di iniziare a parlare in pubblico. (e quando ancora avevo un parrucchiere) - Fortunatamente non ho mai avuto ansie particolari nel farlo, ma so che non è così per tutti. - Io non ho trucchi in realtà, semplicemente ho trovato il mio stile, non mi preparo un discorso, ma mi assicuro di sapere il motivo per cui devo parlare e quei due o tre concetti che ci tengo ad esprimere e poi vado. Credo che la vera chiave di volta sia rimanere ben concentrati e non andare troppo veloce (questa parte non mi viene per niente bene). - Sembra tutto molto bello insomma.... beh, non lo è tranquilli. - #art #artwork #startup #startupper #artecontemporanea #artmarket #parlareinpubblico #speaker #speech #artist #artadvisor #mostre #adadvisor

Un post condiviso da ADA | Carlotta Mastroianni ( in data:

How the idea of buying the works in installments was born, explain to us better how works well...

The idea comes from a simple need that I tracked down first of all in myself and in my finances. I am a great fan of art and purchase of the works when I can, however if I can afford to buy a work that is worth for example €5,000 becomes tiring for me to remove that liquidity all together, while I do not mind paying €135 per month for 4 years. I thought that in my situation I could find many other collectors and so I decided to include this service in my platform.

How do you translate the concept of sharing in the art world?

Sharing a work of art is definitely tempting and I must say that Feral Horses, a platform that allows you to buy works of art for ownership shares, at the moment I think it is the reality that best succeeds in this area. I have been working with them for some years and over time they have been able to adapt their services to the needs not only of collectors, but also of artists. We sold the work "Habemus Hominem" by Jago, whose shares are still available on their site, and the work will soon be exhibited in a prominent museum so the owners can admire it and meanwhile resell their shares in the secondary market.

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E questa nostra vita, via dalla folla, trova lingue negli alberi, libri nei ruscelli, prediche nelle pietre, e ovunque il bene | William Shakespeare opera di @chadkouri • #greenthumb #polliceverde #nature

Un post condiviso da ADA | Carlotta Mastroianni ( in data:

How will the ADA project evolve in the near future?

The projects for the future are many, the biggest is to open a model of Galleria d 'Arte, which we hope can be considered innovative. Our gallery will provide, in addition to a classic activity of exhibitions, also a series of limited editions made by our artists such as lithographs, coloring books, works of art to assemble, that allow the collector to interact with the creative thinking of the artist and at the same time have a 'work of art that is not too exorbitant in economic terms. It will be the first physical gallery in Italy that will allow you to rent works of art or to buy them in small installments. But the thing I care about most is the place where it will arise, Frosinone, my hometown but above all model of small town where almost never exist art galleries. Being able to connect citizens with contemporary art will be a great challenge and we hope to actively involve the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of the city, To do so we will organize a series of conferences and mini courses aimed at raising awareness of the world of contemporary art in all its facets.

What advice do you give to a young artist who does not have the courage to put himself in the game?

Commit yourself with all your strength! It may seem trivial, but I believe that in any field the only real key to achieving one’s goals is a sincere and constant commitment. I don’t want to say that you have to sweat seven shirts, but have clear what you want to achieve and work to get there. Simply put: DO IT.

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Pink on pink | 1953 | indovinate chi è che ha realizzato quest’opera? L’unico e solo inventore della pittura emozionale, l’espressionista astratto più geniale e profondo di tutti i tempi: Mark Rothko. Si è capito che lo amo alla follia? Amo le tele di Rothko perché mi hanno fatto da specchio più di una volta e per me l’arte ha questa funzione: metterci davanti a noi stessi. L’ho già raccontato e forse vi annoierò ma se oggi sono qui a parlare con voi di arte, se ogni mattina mi sveglio pienamente felice per quello che faccio, chi sono e cosa sto costruendo lo devo un po’ anche a quelle grandi tele marroni della @tate inserite in quella stanza relativamente piccola. Appena entrai mi sentii schiacciata dalla bellezza o forse dai miei pensieri e per fare spazio divetti affrontare ognuna di quelle nice giganti tele. Sapevate che le tele di Rothko esposte alla Tate erano state commissionate all’artista da Mies Van der Rohe (altro mio grande amore versione Architettura) per la sala del Four Season del Seagram building? Rothko però, che fumava e beveva senza remore, odió vederle come sfondo di una sala da pranzo e allora le prese e le consegnò alla Tate. #rothko #pink #tate #seagrambuilding #espressionismoastratto #pittura #emozionale

Un post condiviso da ADA | Carlotta Mastroianni ( in data: