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Raffaella Carrà dies and it is the end of an era

Maniacal, almost obsessive, she made the history of television making herself loved by the public and becoming an Icon for the Gay community. Her disappearance closes an unrepeatable era. They called her Carrarmato.


Raffaella Carrà is dead. She is defined as an Italian showgirl, singer, dancer, actress, TV presenter, radio and television author; all right but all very simplistic, in a definitive way we must say about her only: Icon.

She met the great television limelight thanks to a very enjoyable variety "Io Agata tu", written by Dino Verde and Bruno Broccoli while the direction was by Romolo Siena and the orchestra directed by Enrico Simonetti.

Her freshness and skill overshadowed the two star of the variety: Norman Davis and Isabelle Valvert in the role of "Agata".

Alongside two matadors like Nino Taranto and Nino Ferrer, she managed to highlight her talents so much that a few months later, together with Corrado, they entrusted her with “Canzonissima”, the top variety of the season, linked to the Italian Lottery. It was the year 1970 and "The Carrarmato was ready!"

Carrarmato precisely, one of the many names, often not in a positive sense, that have been given to her; she was of a maniacal, almost obsessive perfection, a trait common to many protagonists of the show and working alongside her was not easy; she demanded as much from herself as from others.

Throughout her life she has been so focused on herself and her career that she gave up a child, only to regret this lack in all the interviews. But a great artist cannot be discussed, she is loved! And for decades it was the most loved by Italians, as well as becoming the first Gay Icon in Italy.

Her two loves are known about her private life, Gianni Boncompagni and Sergio Japino, with whom she remained friends throughout her life and little else since she did not lead the classic worldly life of the Stars; she was a housewife who loved to spend her evenings playing scopone, tressette and tressette; games of yesteryear, neighborhood and village bar games; perhaps in memory of the time spent in the family bar in Bellaria, on the Romagna Riviera.

The real artistic consecration came in 1974 with the program "Milleluci" alongside Mina, directed by Antonello Falqui; a program that belongs to the Variety as "The starry night over the Rhone", by Van Gogh is to the art of painting.

Two stars that challenge each other to the sound of talent. The journalistic vulgate tells of contrasts and competition between the two Prime Women, in reality it was Mina herself who wanted Raffaella next to her, after the untimely death of Alberto Rabagliati who was to be the co / host.

Two female conductors had never been seen in the same Variety. And then one wonders why these two ladies had an edge!

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In 1983, on the invention of that genius of Brando Giordani, she hosted “Pronto Raffaella?” On Rai Uno: midday TV was born, including games and interviews, including with politicians, and is the prelude to future Talk Shows.

Winner of a dozen Telegatti, the last of which (1999) for her very personal success “Carramba che sorpresa", a program about which the then RAI management had many doubts at the beginning.

Her last effort, 2019, was for Rai Tre with “A raccontare comincia tu”, where she interviews famous people; the meeting with the lady of Italian cinema, Sophia Loren, was exhilarating.

It is no coincidence that the program has the paraphrased title of a great success by Raffaella of the 80s “A far l’amore comincia tu", returned to the fore after more than twenty years thanks to the film "La grande Bellezza", by Paolo Sorrentino, winner Oscar as best foreign film, 2014.

Now the night sky has one more star.

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