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Why are there more and more paid films on streaming platforms?

It is one of the effects of a crowded market, but there are low-cost solutions


The time seems long gone when we only had one (Netflix) or two (Prime Video) subscriptions to streaming services. That was enough for us and we did not have to pay anything more than a monthly fee to watch everything we wanted. We were happy and didn't know it, to quote a meme going around the internet.

To see, you have to pay (more)

Now, on the other hand, the platforms have multiplied, the offerings have expanded by leaps and bounds and the costs of watching films and TV series have risen. So much so that even if you have three or four subscriptions, it is very easy to be asked to pay extra to watch certain products. Something that when it happens makes us cry out loud about injustice, not even if our fundamental rights have been touched.

An Italian user recently spoke up for us all and pointed this out in an Amazon forum: "It used to be all-inclusive with Prime and that was the beauty of the service”, writes the brave man. "Gradually subscriptions are being increased (up to 50 euros) and some bits are being removed. I will soon be cancelling to pay only on demand (and not the subscription as well)".

The same thing is happening with Apple TV + and Mediaset's Infinity plus where there are many pay titles, while Netflix for now has 'only' raised prices and introduced advertising for those who cannot afford more expensive subscriptions.

It's the market, beautiful

If it seems unfair to us, everything is normal for the platforms. What we complain about is an “early access” model, whereby these services allow users to watch newly released or highly demanded films by paying extra before they are included in the basic subscription. The same applies to original productions, which are often treated as a premium service.

In some cases, additional charges may instead be linked to specific partnerships or agreements with producers, distributors or production companies that may require special conditions, including extra charges for certain films.

Charging an additional fee for certain content may also be a way to test how much users are willing to spend and which content is most profitable to maximise revenue.

So what to do?

Our loyalty to this or that streaming service is worth nothing. Never mind that we spend hours every night scrolling through the same home page to choose a film. Apparently for the platforms and production companies we users are just ATMs to be drained by exploiting our laziness.

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In fact, even if we wanted to, going back to downloading films with Torrent is not as convenient as turning on the TV and choosing what to watch. Low-cost solutions do however exist, first of all Rai Play where, just by registering, one can find remarkable hidden gems. Other international platforms such as Chili and Rakuten have an extensive list of free, subscription-free films. Although less well-known, many films and series are also available for free on Pluto Tv and the Italian Vvvvid.

Let us remember this before we throw the remote control at the TV set.


Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios