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I know Zero

And most likely you too


I know Zero and probably you too, we all know one. The one I know is very close to me but only after seeing the sixth and final episode of “Tearing along the edges” did I realize it.

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Un post condiviso da @zerocalcare


I have known Zero since I was little, I have always felt superior to him and I always thought I could expect better than him. I always thought he was sensitive, but I gave his sensitivity a negative meaning. I saw it as a grip on the ankles, as something that would never have allowed the Zero that I know to reach goals (goals for whom? For me).

Zero, really, after 28 years this much talked about guy named Michele Rech introduced me to him. I don't want to talk about the Netflix series, I mean that as I know "one" Zero, you know him too. And I would like to tell you that what he has inside is a world so full and dense to be incredible. I would like to advise you never to feel pain or tenderness for Zero, to ask him what he thinks and how he sees you, how he sees the world. If you don't do the zero it's you.

Not all Zeros have the opportunity to tell their stories on the most famous streaming platform on the planet, but you may be lucky enough to know their story anyway. Zero needs to tell himself and to live his own story through what his language is. Sensitivity is unashamed narration and Zero is worth a hundred thousand.

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Un post condiviso da @zerocalcare


You won't know who the Zero I know is, but it is certainly worth a hundred thousand for me today. And for you?