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Who will save the music?

The online music program to support musicians and artists.

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In this difficult quarantine period, all product sectors have suffered a severe blow to their economy. Even the arts are not excluded from this general suffering and many wonder: who will save music? But above all, who will save the musicians and artists?

Giving a concrete answer would be very complicated, and probably this would not be the right place to face such a complex speech in political and economic terms. What we are keen to do, however, in this period, is to report on initiatives that feed our thirst for culture, which we hope will never fail.

In this regard, the Luxury Retreat Monteverde Tuscany has launched an online music program (obviously) with the aim of bringing and giving some moments of serenity and well-being to homes all over the world.

The hotel's philosophy has always been in support of art and the concept of beauty in general, without which, they claim, human nature would be almost inconsistent. We must continually learn, and enjoy all the teachings that life offers us. In fact, the structure often offers different performances for their guests.

We therefore advise you to connect on April 25th with the Monteverde Tuscany Luxury Retreat, in order to attend the performance of Steve Tyrell, jazz musician and American record producer.

Furthermore, on their Instagram profile you can enjoy all the performances of the program that have already taken place.

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This week @alessiobax and @lucillechung perform En Bateau by Claude Debussy. As a bonus, they have also recorded two other pieces which you can watch following the link in our bio. . . Both Alessio and Lucille have played at Monteverdi in the past as part of the Incontri in Terra di Siena music festival by @itslafocefestival. While we can't have them play our 14th century Church of Sant'Andrea today, we are delighted to hear them perform from home. . . Canadian pianist Lucille Chung made her debut with the Montreal Symphony at the age of 10 and has performed with many leading orchestras and in over 30 countries. She graduated from Curtis and Juilliard. . . Italian pianist Alessio Bax was the first prize winner at both the Leeds and Hamamatsu piano competition. He has performed with over 120 orchestras, and under the world's most celebrated conductors. Join us next week for another installment of La Bella Musica di Monteverdi! __ Questa settimana @alessiobax e @lucillechung si esibiscono nel brano En Bateau di Claude Debussy. Come bonus hanno anche registrato altri due pezzi che potrete ascoltare seguendo il link nella biografia. . . Sia Alessio che Lucille hanno già suonato in passato a Monteverdi in occasione dell'evento musicale Incontri in Terra di Siena organizzato da @itslafocefestival. Poiché oggi non possono esibirsi nel bellissimo contesto qual'è la nostra chiesa di Sant'Andrea del 14° secolo, siamo lieti di poterli ascoltar suonare dalle loro case. . . La pianista canadese Lucille Chung, ha debuttato con la Montreal Symphony all'età di 10 anni e si è esibita con molte orchestre di fama internazionale in oltre 30 paesi. Si è diplomata sia alla Curtis che alla Juilliard. . . Il pianista italiano Alessio Bax ha vinto il primo premio nelle competizioni di pianoforte di Leeds e Hamamatsu. Ha suonato con oltre 120 orchestre e sotto la guida dei direttori d'orchestra più famosi al mondo. . . Unitevi a noi la prossima settimana per un'altra puntata di La Bella Musica di Monteverdi.

Un post condiviso da Monteverdi Tuscany (@monteverdi_tuscany) in data: