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What will the Netflix House look like?

The streaming giant is ready to launch a new kind of venue


In the age of digitalization, where streaming has overtaken traditional television and virtual worlds merge with reality, a behemoth like Netflix couldn't possibly limit itself to an existence confined behind a screen.

So, in a bold move that defies all predictions, the company is about to take the viewing experience to the next level: the Netflix Houses are coming, and they promise to revolutionize the way we interact with the content we love.

But what exactly are these Netflix Houses?

Imagine a place where the boundaries between viewer and show dissolve, where you can physically enter worlds that until now you could only watch from afar.

According to previews, these spaces will be a fusion of stores, restaurants, and experiential areas, all immersed in the aesthetics and stories of your favorite series. From the rumors circulating, it seems that every corner will be designed to make you feel part of an ongoing episode, a character in a broader plot unfolding around you.

The Netflix Houses will not just be a place to purchase merchandise or eat; they will be a 360-degree immersive experience.

There's talk of settings ranging from the gloomy corridors of Stranger Things to the opulent ballrooms of The Crown, with the possibility of interacting with elements in ways never seen before. Every detail, from the set design to the menus, will be crafted to transport you to another universe.

If you too are wondering what the experience of a Netflix House will really be like, we are here for you: we decided not to wait until 2025 to try and imagine them. And, since we always talk to you about AI, what better way to try to create concepts of something that doesn't exist yet?

The Netflix Houses could be the opportunity to live our wildest dreams, or perhaps, to realize how deeply intertwined we are with the worlds that until now we have only observed as spectators.

So, tell us, would you step through the door of a Netflix House if you had the chance? Or would you prefer to keep some distance, enjoying the show from the safe comfort of your couch? The choice, as always, will be entirely ours.




Images generated with Dall-E 3

Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios