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How to show up on online apps?

The seduction coach's guide


It seems that without a course or a mini guide, we are no longer able to do anything. Everywhere you turn you find, or they find you, webinairs on how to make the best pasta in 3 easy steps, how to increase the number of followers in 5 moves, how to learn a new language in a few days.

And you could go on and on. More and more services are fast and furious offering help to awkward suitors, in real life and online. Here we are, then, facing the new professional figure of the moment: the dating coach.

It seems, in fact, that millennials have fried their brains by spending too much time in front of their smartphone screens so much that they can't do more than scrolling with a fingertip and absolutely need a coach to have a relationship or a simple love date.

Virtual courtship coaches basically:

  1. They help create a profile on Tinder or other platforms
  2. They assure clients that they are able to “provide comfort” to recover after an online disappointment

Interesting? Of interest for sure are the rates of these courses. Perfect business rates. The prices are not affordable: a 3-month subscription with Abundant Love (one of the most popular) costs $2,500, and Relationship Hero, which uses a proprietary chat platform, charges $1 per minute per call for its online coaching. It must be worth it. The Web constitutes a place where great love often happens. It is therefore considered an equal sphere to classic settings such as college, work, a dinner with friends, the gym, good old disco, vacations, and so on.

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We are looking at a tool that has already been popular in the United States for years and has now landed in our country for some time. By virtue of the support of a love coach, the person has a significant opportunity to finally turn his or her love life around, putting aside once and for all failures and defeats.

Here is what you will learn.

  1. Seduction techniques and methodologies
  2. How to show up on online apps (which photo to show, how to understand one's seduction skills to apply them with ease and most importantly to impress, bring home the prey without coming across as an erotomanic maniac or a fake prince charming who showed up in an expensive car, when the expensive car was his friend's)

A love therapist who can make the client memorize so many good stories that he becomes better than he is in reality? Why not, and beware if you don't have enough money to invest in love there are also group classes. They usually last one weekend for up to 4 students and cost significantly less than private lessons. They are taught to have a productive and efficient mindset in every area of life. Not coincidentally, the term “seduction” means “leading to oneself,” not “picking up or having sex.”  Needless to say, when faced with business opportunities many people improvise themselves as experts. After all, this is a relatively new phenomenon. The first schools opened in the late 1990s, but it is only in the last 4-5 years that the market has really taken off.

Even now, net of the many online courses and manuals for sale on the Web, there are at most a dozen companies in demand. “Milan is the best place for people who want to practice,” says Christian, founder of PlayLover Academy. A week-long course costs nearly 2,000 euros. Among the lessons there is no shortage of the art of seduction. “We are the only ones to offer training on dating sites and dating apps: we build an attractive profile together with the client, take the right photos and write a catchy description.”

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Not only clients from 18 to 32 but also older people, and it seems that the difficulty shared by both young and mature people is low self-esteem. In short, we are a people of recoilers who, in order to do anything, need to insert a coin in the happiness machine hoping that that happiness, sooner or later, will come.

But when it comes to love, you cannot learn the steps of the seduction dance by heart, you just have to listen to yourself inside and follow your instincts.There are many rules and they usually do not work in real life or on the web. Long live the clumsy and insecure, those with the wrong profile picture. At least there is a risk of it being sincere.


Illustration by Gloria Dozio - Acrimònia Studios